Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Essay Example

Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Paper Lennie and George are well different from the other ranch workers chiefly unlike the workers who are all shown to be lonely. George and Lennie have each other. They relay on each other and their dreams together. There is a bond of trust and friendly relationship between the two chief characters which is tragically highlighted in the shutting lines of the novel. The fresh ‘Of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck is set in the early 1930’s following the prostration of the New York wall street market known as the depression old ages. In this clip there was heavy unemployment ; migratory workers from all over America came to California where the novel is set in the Salinas vale in hunt of chances of work. The spread itself is a microcosm of the life for migratory workers in that clip. their insecurities are shown through the characters such as Curley. Candy. Curley’s married woman and besides the life of Black people through Crooks. All the characters are lonely except for Lennie and George who have each other and this is shown through their hopes and dreams. We will write a custom essay sample on Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lennie and George in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Lennie and Georges history together opens up when George negotiations to Reduce a character that everyone respects. even Curley. George openly speaks to Reduce about the incident when George tells Lennie to leap into the river jestingly. but to everyone’s surprise Lennie leaps in without oppugning George non gaining he can non swim and about drowns if George didn’t deliverance him. even so Lennie thanks George for salvaging him even though it was George who told him to make it in the first topographic point. At this point George’s fright is shown at Leannie’s inability to grok logical and unlogical things. George realises at that minute that if he is non careful Lennie could make the incorrect thing once more. George’s other frights are besides shown in the incident at weed. while speaking about it to reduce he describes Lennie being ‘slow’ as he likes to touch everything he likes. merely wants to experience it. So he reaches to experience a misss ruddy frock and the miss shriek. Lennie gets scared all he can believe to make is keep on and that George had to hit him with a fencing lookout to do him allow travel. Again Lennie’s strength becomes an issue and the author about announcing the hereafter. George is afraid of Lennie non understanding right from incorrect and his strength panics George doing him believe that he might to what he did at weed once more. Lennie is shown to be a kid in a adult males organic structure. throughout the book he wants to be told their dream about like a bed clip narrative and doesn’t feel closing until he has been told it. And once more like a kid he likes soft and fury things associating to the ground why he likes to touch frocks. Lennie’s greatest fright of the all is that he won’t be able to be given the coneies if he did something wrong like the incident at weed once more. he is besides afraid of his ain strength and non being able to allow travel. Lennie and George’s dream of holding a topographic point of their ain ‘living of the fat of the land’ and Lennie and his lucerne spot and be givening the coneies. keep’s them traveling and trusting that they won’t have to worry about Lennie making the incorrect things once more. and George being able to make what he wants make and non believe about what will go on to Lennie. Their dreams create hope for other characters like Candy and Crooks even for a short piece. On the face of it. it appears that Lennie. because of his mental immatureness. is wholly reliant upon George for his endurance and for obtaining work at assorted spreads. Equally of import nevertheless. is the extent to which George relies on Lennie for company in the by and large unfriendly and alone environment of the migratory laborer. As George admits to Reduce when discoursing himself and Lennie ‘it’s a batch nicer to travel around with a cat you know’ . It can be seen ; therefore that George might non be with Lennie strictly out of a sense of commiseration or responsibility to Lennie’s aunt Clara. From the start of the fresh Steinbeck raises the inquiries in the heads of the reader about why these characters should be involved in such an improbable partnership: George is short of stature. intelligent and undertakings assurance. Lennie on the other manus. is a giant of a adult male. heavy in his pace and his head of a immature kid. The class of events that unfold are tragic. most of it starts with Curley and his insecurity about his tallness and his ever willing to pick a battle with bigger work forces to turn out he is non weak. Steinbeck calls him ciphering and hard-bitten and gives him reptilian animate being like qualities stand foring his behavior to a crocodile while Lennie is shown to hold bear and Equus caballus like qualities compared to animate beings with admirable traits. Ch 3 Begins when Curley flops in looking for Slim who he thinks is with his married woman. When Slim re-enters the room stating Curley that he’s sick of Curley inquiring him about his married woman. Curley can’t battle with Slim so he moves to Carlson who warns him non to pick a battle with him. as they all join in Curley feels defenceless and so turns on to Lennie given any alibi to contend with him. As Curley begins to contend him. Lennie gives out a call of panic and turns to George for aid as he was excessively frightened to support himself. George instantly gets onto his pess shouting ‘Give it to him Lennie. don’t Lashkar-e-Taiba him make it’ . George was afraid of Lennie’s strength but he wouldn’t allow Lennie travel down like that he was protective over him. As Curley goes for another blow to the blood covered face. Lennie grabs his fist. Curley is described to be flopping as a fish. Then merely like in weed Lennie held on to the closed fist being crushed by Lennie’s manus. It took both George and Slim to do Lennie allow travel. Curley was warned non to state a word about what happened. After this Curley’s married woman became really interested in what happened really happened to Curley’s manus but cipher spoke to her. When Lennie kills the whelp in the barn. while inquiring what to make Curley’s married woman comes in. even though he shouldn’t talk to her he does. she tells him how she is lonely and merely wants person to speak excessively. besides how unhappy she is in her matrimony to Curley. this is the lone point in the novel where her narrative comes out. how she was neer loved at place. how she married Curley to acquire off from her life. her dreams of going celebrated in films. As Lennie feels her hair blowholes repeat themselves he can’t allow travel and in her battle to acquire free and Lennie’s fear that she will name George he breaks her cervix in effort to hush her once more his inability to command his strength has taken a bend for the worst. He realises what he has done and remembers that if he did anything bad George said to travel to the coppice where he’d happen him at that place. so Lennie rapidly and softly leaves. Candy is the first to happen her in the barn and gets George who knows immediately what has happened he tells confect to allow him travel to the bunk house first so tell the remainder of them so he doesn’t expression involved. There dream is destroyed and candy incriminations Curley’s married woman. when he tells the remainder of them Curley shows no mark of compunction all he can make is believe about acquiring Lennie back. As they all take off to happen Lennie. George manages to happen him foremost by the lake ; even now he is still afraid he won’t be able to be given the coneies. George knows that there is no manner out for them. cognizing Curley he would merely desire to kill him he wouldn’t put him in gaol. and if he let him travel the Lennie couldn’t expression after himself he would decease without nutrient. shelter and person to look after him. George knew that he would hold to kill him when he found Lennie. Just like Candy’s Canis familiaris to set him out of his wretchedness for the interest of Lennie. Besides he couldn’t allow person else do it he told Lennie about their dream one last clip as he told it he softly put the gun to the dorsum of Lennie’s caput without him gaining and changeable him. it was a understanding putting to death. At the terminal it is Slim who comforts him in stating George that he had to make it. Bibliography: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The 6 Types of Togas Worn in Ancient Rome

The 6 Types of Togas Worn in Ancient Rome The Roman emperor Caesar Augustus referred to his own Roman citizenry as the toga-clad people- and with reason. While the basic style of a toga- a shawl draped over the shoulder- was worn by the ancient Etruscans and, later, the Greeks, the toga went through several changes before finally becoming the classic Roman item of clothing. Toga A Roman toga, simply described, is a long piece of fabric draped over the shoulders in one of several ways. It was usually worn over some kind of tunic or other undergarments, and it might be pinned in place by a fibula, a Roman brooch shaped like a modern safety pin. if the toga was decorated at all, the decoration had some symbolic connotations and the toga was arranged to make sure that the design was clearly visible to other people. The toga was an article of clothing that had stately symbolism, and according to the Roman scholar Marcus Terentius Varro (116–27 BCE), it was the earliest dress of both Roman men and women. It can be seen on statues and paintings from as early as 753 BCE, during the earliest years of the Roman Republic. It was common until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE. Togas worn in the earlier years were quite different from those worn at the end of Roman times. Changes in Style The earliest Roman togas were simple and easy to wear. They consisted of small ovals of wool worn over a tunic-like shirt. Virtually everyone in Rome wore a toga, with the exception of servants and slaves. Over time it grew in size from just over 12 feet (3.7 meters) to 15–18 ft (4.8–5 m). As a result, the semicircular cloth grew more and more cumbersome, difficult to put on, and just about impossible to work in. Typically, one arm was covered with fabric while the other was needed to hold the toga in place; in addition, the woolen fabric was heavy and hot. During the time of Roman rule until about 200 CE, the toga was worn for many occasions. Variations in style and decoration were used to identify people with different positions and social status. Over the years, however, the impracticality of the garment finally led to its end as a piece of daily wear. Six Types of Roman Togas There are six main types of Roman togas, based on their coloration and design, each representing a specific status in Roman society. Toga Pura:Â  Any citizen of Rome might wear the toga pura, a toga made of natural, undyed, whitish wool.Toga Praetexta:Â  If a Roman were a magistrate or a freeborn youth, he might wear a toga with a woven reddish-purple border known as a toga praetexta. Freeborn girls may have worn these as well. At the end of adolescence, a free male citizen put on the white toga virilis or toga pura.Toga Pulla: If the Roman citizen were in mourning, he would wear a darkened toga known as a toga pulla.Toga Candida:Â  If a Roman became a candidate for office, he made his toga pura whiter than normal by rubbing it with chalk. It was then called toga candida, which is where we get the word candidate.Toga Trabea:Â  There was also a toga reserved for elite individuals that had a stripe of purple or saffron, called a toga trabea. Augurs- religious specialists who watched and interpreted the meanings of natural signs- wore a toga trabea with saffron and purple stripes. The purple and white striped tog a trabea was worn by Romulus and other consuls officiating at important ceremonies. Sometimes the property-owning equite class of Roman citizen wore a toga trabea with a narrow purple stripe. Toga Picta:Â  Generals in their triumphs wore toga picta or togas with designs on them, decorated with gold embroidery or appearing in solid colors. The toga picta was worn by praetors celebrating games and by consuls at the time of the emperors. The imperial toga picta worn by the emperor was dyed a solid purple- truly a royal purple.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Benefits of Ecosystem-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp

1.Discuss both existing and emerging risks threatening the value of these ecosystem Service? 2.Is there a trade off between the provision of these ecosystem services above and other benefits derived from marine ecosystems? 1.The benefits which we obtain from the ecosystem is known as ecosystem services. The wellbeing of humans depends upon the smooth and sustainable flow of these ecosystem services. The increasing population with changes in climatic condition has degraded the ecosystem. Among other countries, the Australian ecosystem is most vulnerable to changing climate. Global change: Due to overuse and exploitation of the ecosystem services, the effect of climatic or global change is rising with each passing day. The increasing population, their demands, burning of coal, production of electricity, use of daily electric appliances etc are some of the main causes of global warming. Also, burning of gasoline for transportation, burning of forest for wood, land etc are the main contributors in methane, carbon dioxide emissions. These increases risk for global warming which has several effects like increase in temperature of earth, melting of ice at earth poles, rise in level of sea, higher temperatures, decline of many species, rise in precipitation etc. these changes in climatic condition will increase the risk of natural disasters like floods, landslide droughts, storms etc. These further give rise to more epidemic and pandemic diseases. Biodiversity: The global or climate change further effects the life of species and plants. The transformation of habitats or environmental area not only affects the vegetation but the animal life associated to them. The species of particular region is forcefully brought to artificial environment causes imbalance in ecosystem. Increasing population, pollution and overexploitation of resources like fishing, hunting, harvesting etc. can lead to the extinction of many more species of biodiversity.   The threats to biodiversity does not seem to decrease with increasing industrialization, urbanization of the world. Natural areas and the environment of both the species and plants are being affected with all these activities which causes imbalances in the ecosystem  (Bellard, 2014). The change in ecosystem affects all the factors of the human well being which includes living a healthier life, maintaining social relation, security and freedom to make their own decisions  (Mooney, 2010). As human are directly or indirectly dependent upon the ecosystem services for their needs and the impact on the ecosystem affects the well-being of human. Due to deterioration of climatic conditions, environment the human health gets affected as well. The effects on human physical and mental health has led to decrease in human life expectancy, phycological disorders etc. 2.There cannot be a trade off between the ecosystem services with the marine ecosystem. This is because all the needs of human cannot be fulfilled from marine or terrestrial ecosystem alone. The marine ecosystem is one of the most abundant ecosystem existing on earth which is home to wide array of species  (Harris, 2017). The marine ecosystem is also of the major source of providing oxygen to the environment. Both the ecosystem should co-exist so that there is a balance in the ecosystem. The destruction in marine ecosystem will adversely affect the specifies & plants, decrease in oxygen content in the water, reduction in food, rapid land conversion rate, loss in revenues etc. these all factors will increase the dependence over other ecosystem which will further lead to depletion of natural resources  (Hattam & Atkins, 2015). Hence, this will lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem affecting all living organisms Bellard, 2014. Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity. NCBI, pp. 365-377. Harris, A., 2017. Marine Ecosystem Classification. [Online] Available at: https://sciencing /marine-ecosystem-classification-38170.html [Accessed 27 March 2018]. Hattam, C. & Atkins, J., 2015. Marine ecosystem services: Linking indicators to their classification. Ecological Indicators, pp. 61-75. Mooney, 2010. The ecosystem-service chain and the biological diversity crisis. NCBI, Volume 365(1537), p. 331 With a decade's experience in providing essay help,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

WA3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WA3 - Assignment Example This results in the access of unauthorized persons in the sensitive database of the company. Therefore, security measures should be beefed up and done in an efficient manner to abolish the threats caused by the breaches in security. The world has been haunted by major security breaches in the recent years. In some instance, it has caused loss of numerous lives and huge amounts of money. The most dangerous breach of security in the history of the world was the attack of 9/11. A group of men from Western Asia hijacked four planes and drove them into the Twin Towers and Pentagon. This incident posted doubts all over the world as USA is one of the safest countries and the security of that country was breached. It was understood that no country in this world is safe anymore from the hands of the terrorists. (9-11 Research). Despite the incident, which caused thousands of lives and millions of dollars, no adequate measures were taken to beef up security procedure in the USA. Rather they were interested in plundering the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq in Asia. The fact is further strengthened by the recent incidents in the US of the same category. During the Christmas, a Nigerian boarded a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit carrying a bomb. Surprisingly he evaded security checks and was almost successful in planting the bomb. (Morris & Gregan). In the New Year party arranged at the White House by President Obama, several uninvited guests were seen present. Surprisingly, the authorities were not even aware of the mishap until the next day. It was an embarrassing situation as it involved the White House and the President. It brought forward the question again about the security issues. The country should increase the vigilance measures to avoid such incidents in the days to come. There has been considerable amount of security breaches in business organizations as well. Business houses all over the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Design Driven Innovation in B & O company Essay

Design Driven Innovation in B & O company - Essay Example This paper illustrates that many of the B & O’s products are said to have held a place of honors in the permanent collection of globe’s greatest art museums. The company had delivered the most and largest consistent design portfolio among the world’s industrial companies according to a citation at the museum of modern arts in New York.   The level of the accomplishment translated into profit margins and high price points and was realized through an increased number of dealers from discerning and devoted customers. The good reputation provided the company with a competitive advantage. The company is said to have evolved development processes and unique designs that enabled them to develop products with functionality and appearances that improved their recognition. The company offered the designer a chance to develop new products that would confuse engineers to find news of manufacturing them. Creating a business that is profitable entails offering services and p roducts that consumers will be able to buy at a better price, The Company was good at this. New ideas technologies and materials made their way into the company’s products by utilizing the best designers. The products designed were appealing to the customers. Customers too were willing to pay for the products designed. Despite the company’s product design prowess, what happened in 2006 was getting more complicated after the product was turned on. The Apple iPod closely integrated and acclaimed by designers with online iTunes music services had shown that design in the company market space was to encompass more than function and physical forms. The company should be prepared to adapt to the changing environment since the company’s products will be extended more deeply into virtual space, where great design meant network-based interaction and great software. Excellence and performance in such areas required ideas and skills that were different from the companyâ₠¬â„¢s traditional expertise.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Humanities Paper Essay Example for Free

Humanities Paper Essay Humanities is a topic that has so many wide-ranged meaning in regards to historical literature and arts. After conducting much needed research on the topic at hand, the author will discuss their informational findings in a research paper. In this paper, the author will define the meaning of humanities, discuss a cultural event that has been experienced such as music, dance, theater, art, literature, etc. The author will then elaborate on how a particular event was an expression of what he/she knew about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the time  period it represents. Finally the author will explain how the selected form of cultural expression compares with other forms he/she know about from the same time period. Hopefully after reading this paper, the audience will have a better knowledge about Humanities in the Past, Present, and Future. Humanities Humanities can be very abroad, but one of the meanings of humanities, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is â€Å"Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts† (American  Dictionary, 2000). Culture is a big part of humanities. These patterns, traits, and products are considered as the expressions of a particular period, class, community, or population (American heritage dictionary, 2000). Humanities has really helped paved the way for future endeavors such as the way we think, conduct ourselves, and the way we observe things. Select a cultural event you have experienced, such as music, dance, theater, art, literature, or others. 3 Defining the Humanities Paper Growing up in Louisiana, I have had the honor and pleasure of experiencing many  cultural events, but I must say my favorite cultural experience would have to be music. Music is one of the many ways I could escape from the turmoil in the world. In high school I was in the choir and my favorite instrument at the time was the piano. I use to lead the choir and sometimes, I was able to perform a solo piece while playing my piano. This was a great experience for me because I had an outlet to express myself without even speaking. My high school choir had the honor of performing at a nursing home in St. Francisville where there were a lot of singers,  ex-musicians, and dancers who were in the choir and performed around Louisiana just like my school. They really enjoyed our performance and they shared great stories about the times when they were in high school in the choir, and how music has changed since their days of playing music. Explain how your selected event was an expression of what you know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the time period it represents. I learned so much about the expression of humanities just by listening to the older  individuals talk about their experiences and the different ways they made music. They did not have the use of different instruments like we have now back in their day. These individuals made music with whatever they had and enjoyed every minute of it. They also expressed their concerns about the schools eliminating the music programs, they feel that they are taking â€Å"art† and â€Å"freedom of expression† away from our youth in the schools. Discuss how your selected form of cultural expression compares with other forms  you know about from the same time period. 4 Defining the Humanities Paper By listening to the elderly individuals at the nursing home it really gave me some insight on the cultural expression I chose which was â€Å"Music†. It showed me just by listening to each of them that music was relevant just as much then as it is now. They just had a different way of making music and expressing themselves while doing so. They made music with cups, buckets, washboards, keys, and anything that made some kind of noise. In today’s society, we now have  advanced technology which allows each one of us to have access to different instruments, such as the piano, guitar, drums, etc. Although the elderly individuals did not have access to the instruments we have today, they still appreciated what they had. Conclusion In conclusion, after conducting research on the topic at hand, the author discussed their informational findings. The author defined the meaning of humanities, discussed a cultural event that was experienced such as music, dance, theater, art, literature, etc. The author then elaborated on how a particular event was an expression of what he/she knew about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the time period it represents. Finally the author explained how the selected form of cultural expression compares with other forms that he/she knew about from the same time period. Hopefully after reading this paper, the audience now have a better knowledge about Humanities in the Past, Present, and Future. 5 Defining the Humanities Paper Reference www. ahdictionary. com/.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Internet Censorship Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

Everyone has heard of the Internet and how it is going to help set the world free. The Internet is the fastest growing form of communication and is becoming more and more common in the home. Companies these days do big business over the Internet, and online shopping has grown tremendously in the last few years. For instance, the online auction site eBay sells millions of items every year online. Many companies are making even more plans to expand their business to the Internet. Unfortunately, there have been numerous attempts lately to censor the Internet. If the Internet is controlled, regulated, restricted, or censored it will have harsh effects on its capabilities. In recent years, America’s economy has become increasingly dependent on the need to instantly move large amounts of information across long distances. Computerization has changed everyone’s life in ways that were never before possible. The global network of interconnected computers allows people to send electronic mail messages across the world in the blink of an eye and stay updated on world events as they happen; the world has become a much smaller place as a result of this global communication and exchange of ideas. There have also become thousands of online â€Å"communities† of people who share common interests through message boards, chat rooms, and electronic mailing lists (Wilmott 106). Right now, the Internet is the ultimate demonstration of the first amendment: free speech. A place where people can speak their mind without being punished for what they say or how they choose to say it. â€Å"The Internet owes its incredible worldwide success to its prot ection of free speech, not only in America, but also in countries where freedom of speech is not guaranteed. For some, it is the only place where they can speak their mind without fear of political or religious persecution†. (â€Å"Cyberchaos†). The Internet is also one of America's most valuable types of technology; scientists use email for quick and easy communication. They post their current scientific discoveries on online newsgroups so other scientists in the same field of study all over the world can know in minutes. Ordinary people use the Internet for communication, expressing their opinions in the newsgroups, obtaining new information from the WWW, downloading all types of media files, or just â€Å"surfingâ€Å" for their own personal enjoyment. User... ...aphy is legal. The solution to keeping kids from getting into inappropriate websites is to monitor their access, use filtering software, and teach them morals. Censoring the Internet can only be harmful to everyone else who uses it. Works Cited Cleaver, Cathleen A. â€Å"Cyberchaos: Not First Amendment’s Promise.† â€Å"Current Internet Censorship Efforts.† [Online]. Available 3 April 2001. Dibbel, Julian. â€Å"Muzzling the Internet.† Time 18 December, 1995: 75. Hentoff, Frances. "Indecent Proposal." Entertainment Weekly 31 March, 1995. â€Å"Legal Definition of Obscenity/Pornography.† [Online]. Available 23 March 2001. Levy, Steven. â€Å"U.S. v. the Internet.† Newsweek 31 March 1997: 77-79. Miller, Michael. "Cybersex Shock." PC Magazine 10 Oct. 1995; 75-76. â€Å"Parental Control Ware.† Newsweek 12 February 1996: 12. Rheingold, Howard. â€Å"Rheingold's Tomorrow: Why Censoring Cyberspace is Dangerous & Futile.† [Online.] Available Tyre, Jim. â€Å"Sex, Lies, and Censorware.†

Monday, November 11, 2019

Glass Castle

ESL 400Koffi Dibi 02/26/2013 Learning how to value life. The glass castle is a memoir of Jeannette Walls (author and narrator). In this memoir, she is relating the neglectful way that her and siblings (Maureen, Brian and Lori) have been raised by their parents Rex and Rose Mary Walls. For this reason, the CPS (Child Protective Service) decided to make an investigation to know rather or not they should remove the custody of the Walls children to their parent. For me good parenting is being able to lead your children toward the real difficulty of life and I hink Rex and Mary Rose are doing it. In my opinion this will be a hard decision to take. The Walls family shouldn’t be separated because, even though they are neglected by their parent They are learning about life values which are living fearlessly and being responsible. Also we have admit the fact that the parents are educating them. So, although the parents are irresponsible they are not bad as some people think. The walls children are constantly exposed to a dangerous situation where they are always capable of Handling it.On their house on North Third Street (in Phoenix), Jeannette was about to get sexually abused during the night by one the guy of their neighborhood because Mary Rose and Rex decided to let the doors and the windows open. Instead of being afraid, they run after the pervert to give him a correction while their parents were sleeping (103). Well common children with a lot of affection wouldn’t react that way. Because of the neglect hatitude of their parent they learned how to defend themselve. Years old Jeannette burned herself when she was cooking hot dogs. She spent weeks at the hopistal. Back home, she started to cook again because she was hungry and no one would do it for her(10- 15). Her carefree mother told her â€Å"You’ve got to get right back in the saddle. You can’t live in fear of something as basic as fire† It is probably an horrible thing to say to your child that just got a burning accident, but it true that you cannot be afraid of fire since it’s used to do a lot of things as it happens to cook.Some other kids would be traumatized for life but Jeannette faced it. As you can see the Walls parent are pushing their kids to get over their fear which is a good thing to do. When the Walls were in Welch, the elders of the children (Brian, Jeannette and Lori) knew that they should take responsibility by contribute money for the household. So they are bringing extra money to help (196). I guess when you have irresponsible parent like they do have, you just have to learn how to be in charge.This kids have the ability to think that â€Å"mom and dad won’t do it so let’s do it†. The parent are teaching the children not to wait for someone to do thing for them. That point shouldn’t be ignored. While they were moving around, Rose Mary and Rex took the time to educate their children, teaching them math ematic, physics, geology and how to read. The Walls children are smart at the point where they could help their mother with her work as a teacher.In Welch, when Lori and Jeannette decided to save money to go to in New York, Jeannette could do others kids of her school homework and asignments in math, science and book report and get paid for it(224). Even though she is neglect, she get enough skill from her parents that made her good at school. The Glass Castle is a memoir of Jeannette Walls relating her childhood story with her dysfunctional parents. She is talking about the neglectful way that her and her siblings (Maureen, Brian and Lori) are raised.Through examples we were able to see that even though Rose Mary and Rex are irresponsible, they aren’t as faulty as some people think. Because they learned to their children how to be fearless, responsible and they also educated them. So I suggest the CPS to let the walls family together because separating them can cause an emot ional trauma which can negatively affect their personality . The society need strong people like them. The CPS should oblige Rose Mary and Rex to accept welfare to the government and make sure that the children live in a decent environment.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Rose for Emily: the Metaphor Like the Fallen Monument Essay

Emily Grierson is described as small and fat elderly women. She seems to be angry and confused. She’s always been a lonely person, she never went outside much. She is a very mysterious character. Colonel Sartorisis the former Mayor of Jefferson. His is very generous because after Emily’s father died he does not force her to pay taxes. Tobe is Emily’s servant. He is African American, his voice is rusty for the lack of use. For years he took care of her and her needs. After Emily dies, He leaves and never returns. Judge Stevens is the Mayor of Jefferson. He feels bad for Emily, and he does not nother her with the complaints. He just sprinkles lime on her yard at night. Homer Barron was known as a funny man in the town, He helped with the construction. The townspeople said he was not a man to marry, but he took Emily out on buggy rides on Sunday Afternoons. He is killed by Emily. Part two: 1. The metaphor used in the first paragraph to describe Miss Emily is â€Å"A fallen monument.† 2. The house is personified in the second paragraph by when the author describes it as coquettish. 3. In 1894, Colonel Sartoris told Miss Emily that she did not have to pay taxes because her father had given money to the town. 4. On the next year the new generation of town leaders mailed her tax bills. 5. In the sixth paragraph, Faulkner describes Emily has a short, fat elderly woman with a cane. He describes her as bloated and pale with coals as eyes. 6. At the beginning of Part two, Emily’s father had been dead for about 30 years. 7. The neighbors are complaining about a gruesome odor. Judge Stevens said its probably from a rat or snake her servant killed. 8. Miss Emily told her visitors after the day her father died, that he was still alive. 9. Homer Barron started to date Miss Emily. He was in town for construction. 10. The townspeople thought she was going out of her class dating Homer, but in a way they were happy to see her with someone. 11. Miss Emily purchased a silver toilet with his initials on it and a night gown to convince the townspeople they were getting married. 12. The last tie the townspeople saw Homer Barron was when he is seen entering her house on evening. 13. The men had sprinkled lime around her yard in part two because they intended to get rid of the odor and thought the acids would help if there was something decaying in the yard. 14. In the sealed room that no one has been in forty years, the townspeople find Homer Barron’s decomposing body and the room is frozen in time. 15. Miss Emily poisoned Homer Barron with Arsenic that she bought to â€Å"kill rats.† I believe the author decided to leave a second pillow with a strand of Emily’s hair on it to leave the reader thinking about how the hair got there.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Ready Made Garment (RMG)

VALUE ADDED HUMAN RESOURCE INITIATIVES FOR READY MADE GARMENT(RMG) SECTOR TO COMPETE IN POST-MFA ERA. ABSTRACT: RMG sector contributes 80% of our export earning. This vital sector developed in our country taking the advantages ensured by Multi-fiber agreement (MFA) done in 1974. But as part of the liberalization of trade and open-market economy, World Trade Organization set December 31, 2004 as phase-out of MFA on textile and apparel products. As a result, no quota & no more guaranteed access are available now. Market forces will determine who will survive, sustain. So, to have a competitive edges, RMG producers are trying to integrate ingredients like backward linkage facilities to reduce cost, lead-time, large production capacity to meet requirements of high-volume clients, highly-qualified management team to earn efficient & reliable production and better customer relationship. So it is necessary to have right technology, large investment, smart management and efficient & motivated workforce. Human resource management (HRM), therefore, is getting a heightened aura of importance in RMG sector which actually was not considered important previously. When order was determined by quota, the need for right person for right job in a right working condition was less. But No longer. The data we collected on leading and sound RMG exporters also support this idea. The message is simple: a proactive Human resource department is present and a basic requirement. Propelled by clients requirement, leading RMG firms’ HRM are getting more formalized, transparent and extensive to ensure productivity & quality, social accountability and ethical business practices. The results, as we found out by consulting HR personnel, are proactive HR department and fresh initiatives in areas ranging from recruitment to Human resource audit. Major initiatives includes inclusion of HRD in organizational hierarchy headed by a director/ administration & e... Free Essays on Ready Made Garment (RMG) Free Essays on Ready Made Garment (RMG) VALUE ADDED HUMAN RESOURCE INITIATIVES FOR READY MADE GARMENT(RMG) SECTOR TO COMPETE IN POST-MFA ERA. ABSTRACT: RMG sector contributes 80% of our export earning. This vital sector developed in our country taking the advantages ensured by Multi-fiber agreement (MFA) done in 1974. But as part of the liberalization of trade and open-market economy, World Trade Organization set December 31, 2004 as phase-out of MFA on textile and apparel products. As a result, no quota & no more guaranteed access are available now. Market forces will determine who will survive, sustain. So, to have a competitive edges, RMG producers are trying to integrate ingredients like backward linkage facilities to reduce cost, lead-time, large production capacity to meet requirements of high-volume clients, highly-qualified management team to earn efficient & reliable production and better customer relationship. So it is necessary to have right technology, large investment, smart management and efficient & motivated workforce. Human resource management (HRM), therefore, is getting a heightened aura of importance in RMG sector which actually was not considered important previously. When order was determined by quota, the need for right person for right job in a right working condition was less. But No longer. The data we collected on leading and sound RMG exporters also support this idea. The message is simple: a proactive Human resource department is present and a basic requirement. Propelled by clients requirement, leading RMG firms’ HRM are getting more formalized, transparent and extensive to ensure productivity & quality, social accountability and ethical business practices. The results, as we found out by consulting HR personnel, are proactive HR department and fresh initiatives in areas ranging from recruitment to Human resource audit. Major initiatives includes inclusion of HRD in organizational hierarchy headed by a director/ administration & e...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Solar Oven Written Report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Solar Oven Written - Lab Report Example Internal temperature of the oven cavity normally starts to rise as soon as it is placed in the sun and afterwards reach a constant value known as thermal equilibrium. Consequently, an important activity is to vary the input parameters for the solar oven project and to predict the maximum oven temperature which gives thermal equilibrium. To the developing world, solar oven is an appealing concept given the nature of the energy source. The popularity is attributed to the way energy is harnessed without involving in burning fuels because of it is a renewable source. it’s safe, smoke free which means its eco-friendly, and costs nothing. This makes solar even more reliable because it is plenty in nature and does not require long procedures for obtaining. At thermal equilibrium, basic thermodynamics states that the energy flowing into the oven must be equally balanced by the energy that flows out of the oven and that the power absorbed by the oven equals the power that leaves out of the oven (Sage, 237). This is as illustrated by the following: Goal is to write down equations for both Pout and Pabsorbed, as a function of the design and material properties of our actual oven. Setting these equations equal, we will be able to solve for the internal temperature of the oven in terms of all of these material properties. An equation that is more suitable for our solar oven includes two separate heat-loss terms: a term describing how much heat flows out of the sides and bottom of the oven, and a term that describes how much heat is lost out of the window In this case, a proper design is the use of reflectors, which can perform in increasing the internal temperature of the oven. The reflector increases the temperature through delivering more sunlight to the window and into the cavity of the oven. The significant design constraint considered for the design is that the used reflectors should have flat surfaces and not, in any way, curved surfaces. This is because curved

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Use an example of your choice to discuss how corporate restructuring Essay - 1

Use an example of your choice to discuss how corporate restructuring transformed market, productive and financial performance - Essay Example It can be affirmed that the competition level and the changing preferences of customers have changed the business environment at large. In this regard, the management of the companies have witnessed to face adequate complexities along with challenges in performing operations suitably in accordance with market demand (Froud & et. al., 2006). Subsequently, business organisations adopt corporate restructuring strategy with the aim of enhancing their business performances. Corporate restructuring is utilised as a procedure of changing business process, investment structure or organisational arrangement, so that business operations can be conducted with better competitiveness and effectiveness. Moreover, the strategy also aids business organisations to build flexibility in their operational activities (ABeam Consulting, 2004). Barclays PLC is a UK based multinational banking as well as financial service entity. The company offers various services that include credit cards, investment banking, personal banking and wealth management among others. Presently, the company has undertaken restructuring strategy with the aim of improving its business sustainability and competitiveness in the long-run (Barclays, 2014). With this concern, the essay emphasises analysing the strategy of corporate restructuring and its importance in improving productive functions, market operations and financial performances through using an example of Barclays. In the present competitive and changing market scenario, business organisations are required to adopt effective strategies with the intention of ensuring that their respective operational functions are performed in a profitable and competitive manner. In this respect, the notion of corporate restructuring is utilised immensely by the management team of organisations in order to improve business and operational performances. Conceptually, the notion of corporate restructuring is